Synthetic Data generation for Object Recognition and Pose Estimation

dc.contributor.authorZhang, Desheng
dc.contributor.authorKong, Xiangbo
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskapsv
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Scienceen
dc.contributor.examinerJohansson, Björn
dc.contributor.supervisorWang, Hao
dc.contributor.supervisorMarti, Silvan
dc.description.abstractThe automotive industry is looking for methods to promote a flexible robotic assembly on objects which are difficult for conventional robotic systems based on preprogramming. Specifically, it is difficult to automate wire harness assembly onto vehicles due to the limitation of current robotic assembly on pre-programed tasks and the deformability of wire harnesses. In order to achieve flexible wire harness assembly a well developed vision system. It is necessary for robots to perceive the spatial information of wire harnesses and adapt their actions to handle the objects. Computer vision techniques such as object recognition and pose estimation have been widely adopted in robotics to promote the perception capabilities of robots and the significant advancement in deep learning has remarkably promoted the research in computer vision. However, a vast amount of time and human effort are needed to collect and annotate the datasets for training deep learning models. In recent years, researchers apply synthetic dataset in computer vision tasks, which requires less human effort and promises good annotation quality. In this thesis, the synthetic datasets of connectors are created by using a physically based rendering method BlenderProc and procedures for data creation are provided for further research and investigations. Then, the performance of synthetic datasets are evaluated by object detection models(Yolov5 [22] and Yolov8 [23]) and a pose estimation model (Wide Depth Range [20]). Also, the influences of applying domain randomization methods(e.g. adding distarctors into the synthetic dataset) is discussed and evaluated. By evaluating the experiment results, the study finds that similar objects will cause mis-classification problems in connectors detection tasks, the domain gap will lead to a poor performance on real data and adding distractors into synthetic dataset can improve the robustness of the detectors. The study concludes with recommendations for future research, such as using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to transfer the overall color and texture from the source images to the target images, or apply a bilevel optimization approach. These kinds of methods improve the domain gap between synthetic data and real data, thereby improving the performance of models trained on synthetic datasets in the future
dc.subjectSynthesis dataset
dc.subjectobject recognition
dc.subjectpose estimation
dc.subjectcomputer vision
dc.subjectmachine learning
dc.subjectneural network
dc.subjectdomain randomization
dc.subjectdomain gap
dc.titleSynthetic Data generation for Object Recognition and Pose Estimation
dc.type.degreeExamensarbete för masterexamensv
dc.type.degreeMaster's Thesisen
local.programmeData science and AI (MPDSC), MSc
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