Circular economy and sustainability with reverse logistics for end-of-life vessels - A scandinavian perspective on ship dismantling practices, and investigating the shipbreaking phenomenon in South asia

dc.contributor.authorAmmsho, Dima
dc.contributor.authorBoye, Anna
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för mekanik och maritima vetenskapersv
dc.contributor.departmentChalmers University of Technology / Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciencesen
dc.contributor.examinerRingsberg, Henrik
dc.contributor.supervisorLarsson, Martin
dc.description.abstractThe issues with the current approach to ship recycling practices globally and the rise in implementing sustainable operations within the maritime industry are both pressing research topics. This qualitative case study investigates the perspectives of five stakeholders from the Scandinavian shipping industry related to the adoption of a more environmentally conscious dismantling approach. In order to tackle the ongoing hazardous conditions of shipbreaking in South Asia, emerging concepts such as circular economy and reverse logistics are relevant to consider. To collect comprehensive and primary data on the opinions within the industry, semi-structured interviews with key parties were undertaken. In order to identify common themes and connections in the collected data, thematic analysis was utilized. This was contrasted through triangulation of related research data. The results of this study found that the participants encountered a variety of difficulties when implementing sustainable strategies when handling vessels that were nearing the end of their operational lives. The results further indicate 1) a lack of confidence in this area, 2) gaps in the current regulatory framework in place, 3) and difficulties achieving a balance between economic, ethical, and ecological priorities due to the state of the system. Despite these difficulties, the interviewed participants tended to be overall positive about the potential advantages and prospects of implementing new practices like remanufacturing and other measures to the end of life vessel management system. According to this paper, additional studies and resources are required to ensure that sustainable and socially responsible practices are successfully implemented in the future.
dc.subjectReverse logistics
dc.subjectCircular economy
dc.subjectShip recycling
dc.subjectEnd of life vessel management
dc.subjectHong Kong convention
dc.subjectEuropean Ship recycling regulation
dc.subjectScandinavian shipping industry
dc.subjectFlag of convenience
dc.titleCircular economy and sustainability with reverse logistics for end-of-life vessels - A scandinavian perspective on ship dismantling practices, and investigating the shipbreaking phenomenon in South asia
dc.type.degreeExamensarbete på kandidatnivåsv
dc.type.degreeBachelor Thesisen
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